Monday Aug 02, 2021

Social Determinants of Health

Social determinants of health is a problem that affects all American communities. Every hospital needs to assess their community’s social needs, some do it better than others. This podcast highlights one organization with a unique approach on how to identify individuals with social needs and address those needs.


Guest speakers:

Kathryn Bazylewicz

Vice President, Marketing and Population Health

Cottage Health 


Monica Ray

Population Health Strategic Development Manager

Cottage Health



Kellie Goodson, MS, CPXP

Performance Improvement Program Director



Show Notes:

[00:27] Cottage Health is located in Santa Barbara, California

[00:50] Cottage Health has centralized its population health efforts

[01:36] Santa Barbara has 12% of the overall population is below the poverty line, and the county has the highest percentage of homeless students and the third highest percentage of families in poverty.

[02:08] Ron Werft, Cottage Health CEO, started the organization’s vision for population health

[02:08] In 2015, Cottage Health changed their mission statement to include the words, “improve the health of our communities,” and then launched our new organizational focus on population health.

[02:33] Cottage Health’s Center for Population Health works to improve health and wellness, focusing on equity for the most vulnerable in their hospitals and in the community.

[03:00] Started with a community health needs assessment

[03:30] After collecting community data, they published the results on  

[04:20] Cottage Health staffing for their Center for Population Health

[04:55] Cottage Health CEO and population health team conducted “Listening Tours” with up to 250 community members to gather their assessment of the community’s health needs.

[06:00] Learned that Cottage Health employees need help too.  

[06:35] They set up the Employee Resource Connect to partner with human resources to screen all employees for food, housing, transportation and behavioral health needs. Discovered that 25% of their employees need help.

[07:00] Developed a food program for employees.

[08:50] Expanded screening to other patient populations.


Links | Resources:

Cottage Center for Population Health Click here

Cottage Health’s Community Health Needs Assessment Click here

Cottage Data2Go Click here

Modern Practice podcast, “The effect of COVID-19 on social determinants of health – Part 1” Click here

Modern Practice podcast, “The effect of COVID-19 on social determinants of health – Part 2” Click here

“Addressing Social Determinants of Health During COVID-19 and Beyond: Leveraging Collaboration and Partnerships,” Shaifali Ray and Karyl Kopaskie Click here

“Addressing Social Determinants of Health During COVID-19 and Beyond: Leveraging Data that Matters,” Heather Blonsky Click here

Addressing Social Determinants of Health During COVID-19 and Beyond: How to Find Your Organization’s Fit,” Shaifali Ray and Karyl Click here


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