Monday Feb 19, 2024
Improving sepsis bundle compliance
Sepsis has long been a challenge for healthcare organizations. It is a leading cause of morbidity, readmissions and mortality. As a reaction to an infection, sepsis can spread quickly, progress to septic shock and eventually shut down organ systems. Catching it early is a priority and the basis for much of a hospital’s approach to the disease. This episode features a healthcare expert who shares her organization’s approach to sepsis, as part of a Vizient collaborative, that has resulted in significant reduction in the disease.
Guest speaker:
Leanne Bonds, MSN, RN, CPHQ
Director of Quality and Patient Safety
UF Health Shands Hospital
Shannon Hale, MHA, RN, CPHQ
Performance Improvement Program Director
Show Notes:
[01:14] Rationale for participating in the collaborative
[01:53] Goal of participation
[02:23] Increasing compliance with the sepsis order set
[03:11] Use of sepsis sidebar
[04:06] Barriers to implementation
[04:46] Outcomes from collaborative
[05:45] A takeaway from the collaborative
[07:02] Next steps
Links| Resources:
Contacting Knowledge on the Go: picollaboratives@vizientinc.com
Shannon’s email: shannon.hale@vizientinc.com
Leanne’s email: lbon0001@shands.ufl.edu
CDC sepsis website: https://www.cdc.gov/sepsis/what-is-sepsis.html
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