Monday Dec 16, 2024
Environmental Sustainability: A journey worth taking (UW Medicine’s story)
More than 200 medical journals identified climate change as the greatest global threat. In this podcast, UW Medicine describes how focusing on environmental sustainability improved their vendor selections, supply chain flow, patient care and saved them hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Guest speakers:
Tara T. Biss, MBA, CSFA
Value Analysis Portfolio Manager, Strategic Sourcing
UW Medicine Supply Chain
Gabriella Henkels
Sustainability and Waste Manager, Essential Services
Harborview Medical Center
Louise Simpson, MHA
Associate Vice President, Clinical Integration
Office of the President, UW Medicine Hospitals & Clinics
LaTammy Marks, MBA, BSN, RN
Senior PI Program Director
Performance Improvement Programs
Show Notes:
[1:34] UW Medicine’s green team and their purpose
[3:45] Determining environmental sustainability opportunities
[6:00] What teams to include and how to get leadership buy-in
[7:45] Establishing goals
[8:30] Environmental sustainability success stories
[12:50] Lessons learned
Links | Resources:
Contacting Knowledge on the Go: picollaboratives@vizientinc.com
To learn more about Vizient’s Environmental Sustainability program contact: ES@vizientinc.com
Another podcast on this same topic: Go Green: Why your healthcare system should be engaged in environmental sustainability: https://knowledgeonthego.podbean.com/?s=go%20green
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